Living at the edge
Welcome to our virtual space for shorebird enthusiasts! Explore the captivating world of these feathered wonders on our dedicated web page. From their remarkable migrations to their vital roles in coastal ecosystems, we uncover the secrets of shorebirds. Join us in celebrating these remarkable birds and discover how you can contribute to their conservation. Dive into a wealth of information, photos, and stories about these coastal champions. Come, spread your wings, and embark on a journey to the fascinating realm of shorebirds.”

Living at the edge 2023
Hanuman Plover: Fascinating Discovery of a New Shorebird Species
The Hanuman Plover, also known as Charadrius seebohmi, is a newly described species of shorebird found in Sri Lanka and South-east India. The species was previously considered a subspecies of the Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, but our recent research has...
The Yellow-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus malabaricus) කහ යටිමල් කිරලා
The Yellow-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus malabaricus) is a captivating bird belonging to the Charadriidae family, with its scientific name signifying its native habitat in the Malabar region. The Yellow-wattled Lapwing is a medium-sized bird with pale brown plumage,...
කලපු කිරලා / The Black-wined Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
The Black-winged Stilt is the only wader found in Sri Lanka which is mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records. This bird holds the record for having the longest legs in relation to the body length of all the birds found in the world, which is about 60% of the total...
ඉහල කඳුකරයේ හමුවන දියවිදුවන් / Waders in highest elevations
ඉහල කඳුකරයේ හමුවන දියවිදුවන් / Waders in highest elevations දියවිදුවන් හෙවත් තීව්රචාරී පක්ශීන් කියූ පමනින් බොහෝ දෙනාගේ සිතේ ඇති වන්නේ වෙරලේ සහ වෙරලාශ්රිත තෙත්බිම් පරිසර වල හමුවන සහ එම පරිසර වලට පැමිනෙන පක්ශීන් කොට්ඨාශයකි.මෙය බොහෝදුරට සත්ය වන්නක් වුවත්,සියලුම...